G.R.A.C.E. Home Page
About G.R.A.C.E.
Policies and Membership
Guest Book Page
Contact G.R.A.C.E.
Considering Home Education
Code of Conduct 
1. Strive to promote unity within the group through word and deed. Conduct all activities with honesty, integrity, compassion, and love.
2. Be faithful and prompt in payment of dues and other occasional fees such as skating parties and field trips.
3. Promote a high standard of home education within and outside the group.
4. Use correct language; no profanity.
5. Parents are solely responsible for their own safety and that of their children when attending group activities.
6. Keep membership directory confidential. It is for members only.
7. Help your children grow in Christian character. Take them aside and speak to them if their behavior is inappropriate.
8. Parents are required to share in supervision duties during "free-play" times.
9. Assist in building set up and clean up. No food or beverages are to be left in the building.
10. One parent from each family will be required to be on one committee.
11. No rollerblades or skateboards inside the gym unless a skating day has been designated.
12. All children and adults should be appropriately and modestly dressed at all G.R.A.C.E. gatherings. (See Dress Code)
Membership Fees
TEN DOLLARS per family, per year Full Benefits
FIVE DOLLARS per family, per year Partial Benefits- This option is for families who wish to receive the handbook, newsletter, attend field trips, ect., but do not wish to attend weekly gym times.
Dress Code 
1. Clothing should fit appropriately, neither too loose nor too tight.
2. No low cut tops or shirts that expose midriff or back.
3. No shorts with less than a 4 inch inseam.
4. No clothing that advertises drugs, tobacco, alcohol, sex, or drug paraphanalia.
5. Images on shirts should not be immodest, violent, or frightening.
 Summary of G.R.A.C.E. Services
G.R.A.C.E. provides encouragement and enrichment to Indiana homeschool families in Greene and Sullivan counties. We put you in touch with fellow home educators who can help answer your questions and give you support. We hold monthly "Mom's Night Out" meetings to aid homeschool teachers. It is a time to rejuvenate, enjoy friendships, and share ideas and learning adventures. Our weekly "gym times" give our youth a chance for fellowship and fun. The group organizes field trips, parties, youth clubs, and many special events; such as, our Book Traders' Fair, Service Projects, Bananna Split Day, and more! We host bowling,skating,Open House, and our End of the Year Program. During the first semester, G.R.A.C.E. will be offering a Pre-schoolers Club, Little House Club, and Builders & Inventors Club. Both semesters will have the Music and Drama Club available. G.R.A.C.E. offers testing days and can inform you of other testing options. We offer the "Book-It" program and Scholastic book clubs.We offer a monthly newsletter to keep members posted on current events and outside opportunities. When you join the group, you will receive a handbook with a curriculum and resource listing. All members, upon request, will receive free the "Home Educators' .com Guide" which is full of useful sites. G.R.A.C.E. presents awards to our youth members at our End of the Year Program. Each participating child, including pre-schoolers, will receive a completion certificate. The services, resources, and activities listed are just a partial list of member benefits.To find out more about our group, send us an e-mail.
Contact us!
G.R.A.C.E. Home Educators Association strives to promote and hearten home education and the familes there in with comfort and assistance.
[Growing Richer As Christ Enables]